Set up the Donation Box

Follow these simple steps to set up your Donation Box, the key piece of every campaign.

Davide Ferrari avatar
Written by Davide Ferrari
Updated over a week ago

How to Set Up the Donation Box

The Donation Box can be customised and adapted to your needs. We can use it for registrations, one-off and recurring donations, and customise the colour and text of our Campaign.

In order to configure your Donation Box, access your Campaign and then go to Settings > Donation Box.

In this section, we can find 5 tabs where we can configure our box: Customise / Data / Payments / Gratitude / Integration

1. Customise colour and text

💡 We recommend reading through all the customisation options carefully to ensure that the Donation box meets your needs.

In the Customise tab, you can edit the colour of the Donation Box, and the copies added to the Donation Box - such as the Donation Button itself or the text underneath the button.

Below the "Custom phrase below the donate button" you can choose in which part you would like for your custom text to show up.

You can choose multiple options for that:

  1. Show phrase in the selection of screen of amounts:

  2. Show phrase in data entry screen:

  3. Show phrase in payment screen:

It is also possible to edit the text in the payment section which will modify the text "You are going to donate (amount)" to the one that you prefer.

As you can see below, this text is completely customisable:

You can also change the titles of the display of SEPA's and SOFORT's Payment Methods:

2. Data

In the Data tab, you can define the type of form you want to use and which data will be asked from donors (Type of Registration).

💡 It is recommended that you carefully read through all the customisation options to ensure that the Donation Box and data management suits your organisation's needs.

2.1. Purpose of the Form - Donations or Registrations

In the Data tab you will find the Payment section, where you can choose the purpose for which you want to use the form:

  • Collect subscriptions

  • Receive one-off donations

  • Receive recurring donations

  • Receive one-off and recurring donations

2.2. Type of Registration (Simple or Extended)

The type of registration you'd like to display when collecting information from the donor:

By default, a simple data registration is shown. However, if you select the option "Extended registration will be displayed", both simple and extended data will be displayed.

2.2.1. Simple Data.

It collects the:

  • Name

  • Surname

  • Email of the donor.

That is the default form in every Donation Box if it is not changed to the Extended data form.

2.2.2. Extended Data

If you choose this option, the Donation box will collect all the data of the Simple Data field, and add:

  • Address

  • Identity Number

  • Phone Number.

👉 The Phone number will be optional unless we select it as mandatory.

How does the form with Extended Data look

(a) For individuals:

(b) For companies:

2.3. Cases when the Extended Data form is mandatory

The Extended Form field may be mandatory depending on how you have set up your Campaign and the options chosen by the Donor.

This will happen in the following cases, to meet legal or tax regulations:

2.3.1. Campaigns issuing Donation Certificates

In order to claim any Tax Certificate, it is necessary to have the Donor's full name and address.

If you configure donation certificates in your campaign, the certificate will be issued automatically to all donors:

  • With residence in the country of issuance of the certificate (defined in Register Data).

  • With a valid Identity Card.

2.3.2. Recurrent donations or Donations over 100€

The Extended Data form will always appear in Campaigns that are based in Spain, when the donation is recurring or over 100€,

2.4. Identification fields

In the Identification fields section, you can select the information we want to collect from the donor and which should be obligatory or not.

2.5. Email sending (Related to Messenger Service)

👉 If you have Messaging Personalisation included in your plan, we recommend you visit this article to customise the content of the email templates and the address from which they are sent.

In this section, you can decide when emails should be sent.

2.5.1. Receive a copy of the donor's emails

Check this option if you want to receive a copy of the email sent to donors.

Once you select this option, a field will be displayed for you to indicate the email address where you would like to receive a copy of the emails.

2.5.2. Skipping sending the payment confirmation email

The confirmation email is sent by default.

If you would like to skip notifying the donors, you can do it by clicking on the option "Skip sending the payment confirmation email"

2.5.3. Skip sending the confirmation email of the recurring donations.

The confirmation email of the recurring donations is sent by default.

If you do not want to notify the donors -- and remind them -- when every payment is done, you can skip it by selecting the option "Skip sending the recurring payment confirmation email"

2.5.4. Skip sending the confirmation email of a CRM Transaction

The CRM Transaction email is sent by default to donors.

However, you can skip notifying the donor by selecting the option "Skip sending the payment confirmation email in CRM transactions"

2.6. Other options | Event control and Volunteer Options

You can also choose to activate events control and volunteer options which appear below in the form.

2.6.1. Event control

By checking the box in "Activate events control", this option will appear on the Donation Box:

2.6.2. Volunteer Options

By activating the volunteer options, these options will be displayed as follows:

  • I'm interested in volunteer program for this cause

  • I'm already volunteer with this organisation

  • I'm not interested in volunteering

2.6.3. Custom Fields

At the bottom of the Data tab, there is also the option to add Custom Fields.

You can create your own fields and display them in the Donation Box, besides the ones that are already by default in StockCrowd.

Please check this article to find out more about Custom Fields and how to use them in your Campaign.

3. Payments

❗️ This section will NOT be visible if you have chosen that the Campaign is only for collecting subscriptions (registrations).

If you want to set up your Campaign to receive donations and define the payment details, you must access the "Data" tab and choose one of the payment options indicated.

❗️❗️Please keep in mind that the Donation box will only accept payments after the Campaign is active.

3.1. Amount and Frequency

In this tab, we can define the suggested donation values.

This section can be skipped if your form is being used only for subscriptions (registrations).

First, we can choose if we allow the users to choose the amount and frequency of the payment.

In the case that there is a choice in the amount and/or frequency, you can customise the suggested amounts for all donation types and frequencies.

We can also select the amount which will be selected by default when the form is displayed to donors.

3.2. Add description and icon

You can include a short description of the potential impact of each donation amount, along a small icon (40x40px)

To do this you have to add a small text in the "Description" section. Once you have it, you can also insert the icon by clicking on the folder icon, this will lead you to your personal computer's archives for you to upload the image.

If your campaign is in multiple languages, do not forget to add the translations for the descriptions by clicking on the flag symbol.

You can follow the steps of this article to know more about Multi-Language Campaigns.

4. Gratitude

From here we can customise our thank you message that appears on the screen after the payment is made.

We can upload an image, add text and add an External CTA (call to action).

It would be displayed to your donors as follows:

❗️Please keep in mind that if you add the External Call To Action, you will need to add "https://" to have the redirection working as expected.

5. Integration

If you wish to embed the donation box directly into your own website, you can do either:

  • Modal style.

  • Embedded style.

  • Full page (embedding HTML)

⭐️ For more information on how to embed the Campaign into your Website, please visit this article.

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