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FAQs - Frequently asked questions about Stockcrowd

Find answer to frequent questions about Stockcrowd, our software and some of its features.

Juan Yanez avatar
Written by Juan Yanez
Updated over a week ago

If you're new to StockCrowd or want to upgrade your online fundraising tools, this guide introduces you to the platform and some of its features.

Donations Management

StockCrowd has several payment gateways pre-integrated. So depending on the price plan you have chosen, you can select which one you want to operate with.

Our goal is to make donations arrive directly to your bank, never stopping at StockCrowd. This is why we offer you the possibility of selecting the payment gateway you want and operate directly with your credentials from that platform.

Payment gateways vs. payment method

An online payment gateway, often called an online POS or virtual POS, is a software you can use to accept payments from any device (for example, from your computer or tablet). When activated, your device becomes virtual POS.

The payment gateway is responsible for the transaction with the donor's bank, and sending the donations to your bank account.

Stockcrowd Pay, Stripe, Adyen, PayPal or Redsys are examples of payment gateways.

Payment methods are used for monetary transactions so that the donor chooses the payment method and the transaction is carried out through the payment gateway.

Credit or debit cards, Bizum, Apple Pay, Google Pay or a direct debit are examples of payment methods.

You will find different payment methods enabled depending on the payment gateway. There are gateways like Stripe or Adyen that offer a very wide range of options.

What is Stockcrowd PAY?

StockCrowd PAY provides the most modern payment methods without the need to go through complex registration processes in payment gateways. We've taken the best of Stripe and made it simple so you can collect immediately after creating your campaign.

StockCrowd PAY enables you credit and debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, SEPA Debits and online transfers, so that the collection goes directly to your bank, to the current account you indicate during the registration process.

StockCrowd PAY uses Stripe's payment infrastructure, one of the most modern and secure in the online environment, and allows you to obtain the maximum conversion from our forms in any context (desktop computer, mobile, networks, etc).

Additionally, StockCrowd PAY enables a tip mechanism in the donation form, so that your donors can cover Stripe's transaction costs and thus receive the donated amount in full in your bank account.

To see more information about Stockcrowd PAY and FAQs, please check our article What is Stockcrowd PAY? .

Payment gateways available (Premium Plan)

StockCrowd has several payment gateways pre-integrated so that, depending on the pricing plan you have chosen, you can select which one you want to operate with.

Our goal is to make donations arrive directly to your bank and never stop at StockCrowd, which is why we offer you the possibility of selecting the payment gateway you want and operate directly with your operate directly with your credentials from that platform.

Payment gateways available

Apart from Stockcrowd PAY, we currently have the following payment gateways integrated:


International payment gateway that enables several payment methods such as credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, bank transfers, current account debits and other more local methods that are very specific to certain countries.

You can find more information at


International payment gateway that enables several payment methods such as credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, bank transfers, current account debits and other more local methods that are very specific to certain countries.

You can find more information at


Spanish payment gateway, it is necessary to have a current account in a Spanish bank to request it.

Enable payment with credit and debit cards.

You can find more information at


International payment gateway that enables payment through PayPal accounts and credit and debit cards.

You can find more information at


Payment gateway mostly used by our customers in LATAM that enables payment using credit and debit card, and other local payment methods.

You can find more information at

Peso Pay

Payment gateway mostly used by our customers in Asia that enables payment using credit and debit card, and other local payment methods.

You can find more information at

More information about the payment gateways available

In many cases, our clients combine the payment methods so that they use, for example, RedSys or Stripe to process payments by card and PayPal to enable donations through a PayPal account.

Many local payment methods such as Bizum (Spain), Oxxo (Mexico), among others, are usually associated with the payment gateway that manages these payment methods. Regarding Bizum, you must have RedSys enabled in order to activate donations by Bizum in your StockCrowd account.

Most of the payment gateways can be registered online, they are simple registration processes where you have to identify yourself, upload your organisation's data and indicate the current account where you want to receive the donations. Even so, there are cases like RedSys where you have to request registration at your usual bank. It is important that you validate the registration process of the payment gateway you want to use.

If you already have an account in any of the payment gateways that are in StockCrowd, it will be very easy for you to start! You will only have to enter the access codes in your StockCrowd account and the system will automatically connect to the gateway that you have chosen.

You have more information about the configuration of the gateways in our Help center:

I can't find the payment gateway I need

Despite having several pre-integrated payment gateways that enable our clients with the most common and modern payment methods, it could be that the payment gateway you use is not in our system.

If you miss any, please write to us here and we will do our best to analyse it and see if we can activate it: [email protected]

Management of payment gateways (Premium plan)

Once you have your payment gateways activated, you can configure them in the system and use them in your campaigns. You will have multiple configuration options to work the payment part as you need:

1- combine different payment gateways at the same time. It is common to enable donations by card and PayPal, which requires having the payment gateway that operates with the card and also PayPal configured.

It is also common, for example in the cases of Spain, to activate donations through cards and through Bizum. In this case, the payment gateway that Bizum operates is RedSys, so you will need to activate the card payment gateway and also RedSys. In the case of using RedSys to process cards, you would already have enough for Bizum and cards with a single RedSys account.

2- Combine different payment methods based on specific or recurring donations. It is common to offer direct debits for recurring donations or not to show donations by card in this type of recurring payment.

In StockCrowd you can configure the payment methods depending on the type of donation.

3- Use different payment gateways depending on the country in which you raise funds. You can use different gateways in each campaign, so you can have one gateway for campaigns in Europe and another for campaigns in England or LATAM.

You can find more information about the configuration of the gateways in our support center:

Local payment methods

In some countries there are very established payment methods that are only valid in these areas.

This is the case of OXXO in Mexico or Bizum in Spain.

In StockCrowd we have integrated local payment methods as part of the offer of some payment gateways, for example, to use OXXO you must have a Stripe account and to use Bizum, a RedSys account.

You can consult with our Support team about the payment methods available in your country and we will help you with the configuration if possible: [email protected].

Bank reconciliation

Many times the key question before starting to use a virtual POS is: how does my money get to the bank and how am I going to be able to know to which donation the income received in said bank corresponds?

Each transaction validated by the bank has an identifier and this value is retrieved by StockCrowd and associated with each of your donations. In this way, from the Virtual POS control panel you can easily match StockCrowd donations with the transactions that are sent to your bank.

In StockCrowd you have all kinds of lists that will help you track your donations.

On the other hand, normally the virtual POS (payment gateway) does not send the donations one by one to your current account, what it usually does is send a daily transaction that includes all the donations made the day before, so that in your bank you receive a single income.

This entry also has an identifier that allows you, within the virtual POS control panel, to see which transactions are included in the entry through the transaction identifier that we explained a moment ago.

That means, from the income you receive in the bank, you can know what transactions are included in said income and connect them with StockCrowd donations.

Bank Receipts

It is very common to use direct debits for recurring donations. In these cases, StockCrowd will take care of sending the receipt to the donor's bank in the terms of the selected donation (amount, recurrence, ...).

This is a very convenient formula for managing recurring donations from members, since StockCrowd takes care of making the transfers to the bank without the need for remittance files, keeping you informed if the receipt is returned and sending the corresponding thank you emails and applicable tax certificates if the donation is processed correctly.

❗️ Not all payment gateways offer the possibility of issuing receipts automatically. If you want StockCrowd to help you with the management of collections from partners, you must use Stripe for this type of payment.

StockCrowd has available the most common types of receipts, pre-integrated into Stripe:

1- SEPA debit (Single Euro Payments Area): for European donor banks

2- Bacs Direct Debit: for UK donor banks

3- ACH (Automated Clearing House): for US donor banks

Each of them the request of different types of data to the donor and everything is required completely pre-integrated in StockCrowd so that you can manage recurring donors from different parts of the world in the same way.

You can find more information about the configuration of the gateways in our support center:

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