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Our Payment Gateway: Stockcrowd Pay (powered by Stripe)
Allow Donors to cover Campaign fees - Tipping (StockCrowd Pay only)
Allow Donors to cover Campaign fees - Tipping (StockCrowd Pay only)

Enable an option allowing donors to give extra help to your cause, covering the fees related to your Campaign.

Davide Ferrari avatar
Written by Davide Ferrari
Updated over a week ago

How can Donors cover StockCrowd fees?

If you have StockCrowd Pay activated in your Campaign, you can enable an option allowing Donors to cover fees on your Campaigns.

This will allow Donors to give extra help to your cause, by covering the StockCrowd's software fees that might be included in transactions, according to the pricing of your plan.

If Donors choose to cover the fee, you will receive more of the donor's original contribution.

❗️To check the fees applied in your case, please check the Billing page of your StockCrowd to check the conditions of your plan.

Enable the "Donor Covers Fees" option in your Campaign

1. Activate StockCrowd PAY as a Payment Gateway in your Account

StockCrowd PAY is the only Payment Gateway compatible with the "Donor Covers Fees" option.

So please make sure that you have StockCrowd PAY enabled in your account.

❗️ If you need help activating StockCrowd PAY in your account, please contact us at [email protected].

💡 If you don't know what StockCrowd PAY is,
please visit the following article for more information.

2. Set up StockCrowd PAY (Stripe) as Payment Gateway in the Campaign

Once you have StockCrowd PAY activated in your account, head to Settings > Payment Methods where you can select which payment methods you would like to offer and also decide whether to show the option to cover fees to donors.

Under the Stripe preferences, you can find this option to enable the "Donor Covers Fee" functionality on this campaign.

Check the box to enable "Donor Covers Fee" on the campaign:

❗️Please note that Campaigns created prior to the 22nd of February, 2023 will have the option to cover fees ENABLED by default.

❗️ Campaigns created after that date will have the option to cover fees
DEACTIVATED by default.

How is the option displayed to Donors?

This option will be displayed in the Donation Box, right before the Donors add their payment method details.

That means, after the donors have selected the donation amount and provided their details, they will be asked if they wish to cover the service costs.

❗️ Please keep in mind that the tip is NOT included in any of the Donation Certificate's calculations.

This feature allows donors to cover the organisation's service costs, but the certifications are issued according to the amount of donation chosen by the donor - excluded service costs.

💡 As an example with the Gift Aid Certification: a £50 donation with a £1.5 tip would represent a total payment of £51.50.

However, as StockCrowd will consider only the donation amount without the tip, the Gift Aid calculations would be 25% of £50 = £12.50.

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