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Create an E-commerce Campaign

A step-by-step guide to creating an E-commerce or rewards campaign

Juan Yanez avatar
Written by Juan Yanez
Updated over a year ago

E-commerce campaigns can be used for reward-based fundraising, event ticketing and selling products to contribute to your cause.

We can add products or rewards to our campaign which can be purchased by our donors.

E-commerce campaigns are available in the following plans for UK-based organisations.




Not available

Available as an bolt-on for £250/month

✅ Included

How to create an e-commerce campaign

To get started from the Back office home page select "Create Campaign" under New E-commerce.

Creating an e-commerce campaign is similar to creating a landing page. You can follow the guide here.

When creating your e-commerce be sure to keep the following in mind:

1. E-commerce campaigns are only available in the Standard template as such be sure to configure the information box to your needs.

2. Under General configuration, it is essential to select a campaign start date, this is because when we add our rewards the publication date of the reward will be relative to this date. If you wish for the rewards to be displayed from day 1 select today´s date.

3. Also under General configuration, we can select "Allow free campaign contribution" to allow donors to add a donation amount to the amount they pay for the reward.

Adding Rewards

We can add our rewards or product in the Rewards section of the Content menu.

To edit the title of the section and add a small descriptive text, click on the Edit heading, at the top right.

To add your products, click on Options> Add.

You can now select the type of reward according to your needs:

Added rewards can be reordered and edited at any time. However, once a reward has been acquired by a user, it cannot be deleted, but you can choose to hide it so that it no longer appears on the page.

Once you have added a reward, you will be shown a form where you will have to enter details about the reward.

Not all the fields are mandatory so fill only those which are relevant to you.

Basic data

  • Title - the name of the reward or product

  • Sales price

  • Start date and Countdown days: here you will have to choose the start date of the reward (before this selected date, the reward will not show in your campaign). We can choose as the reference date, the start date of the pre-campaign or the start date of the campaign and from there the days of waiting.

    If you want the reward to appear on the campaign's start date, you can leave the waiting days field unfilled.

❗️Remember to add a campaign date under Content > General Data if you have not already, without this rewards will not show.

  • Days of duration: In the case you want your reward to have a limited availability period in the campaign, you can enter the number of days this reward should be available in this field.

Supplementary data

  • Description: in this field you can add a short description of your reward.

  • Contribute button text: here you can edit the text of the CTA button

  • Call-to-action URL: if you want your reward to take the user to another URL rather than adding the reward to the cart, enter the URL here. Note that in this case, you must leave the Sales price blank.

  • Available units: Use this field if your reward has a limited number of units. When the acquired rewards reach the limit, the reward will appear as sold out and no more can be sold. (Later it is also possible to add stock levels for different variants of the reward for example if you have a reward in different sizes.)

  • Amount to donate: The amount of the price that is considered a donation amount and should be reflected as such from a fiscal standpoint such as a donation certificate. This might be the entire value of the reward or just part of it.

  • I.V.A value: Enter the percentage of I.V.A. of the product. This will be calculated based on the part that does not correspond to the donation, that is Outgoing amount - Amount to donate.

  • Minimum and Maximum Selectable Quantity: here you can enter a minimum or a maximum number of units that a user can acquire.

  • Cost center: fill in if you need to assign a cost center for your products. In this way, you will be able to separate expenses in your reports

  • SKU (Stock Keeping Unit): this is the code used by carriers to identify a product.

  • Extra options:

    • Issue simplified invoice: With this option, a simplified invoice will be sent attached to the thank you email to the donor.

    • Hide availability: if you don't want the remaining units of the offered reward to be seen, you can hide it with this option.

    • Hide requested: select this option to hide the number of units already purchased

    • Hide from the landing and the shopping cart: select this if you don't want the reward to appear on your page

    • This is a featured product: if you have many products you can select certain products to be highlighted at the top of your landing page

Once you have set up the reward with the required fields, save the changes.

Once saved, we will find the following options:

  • Translation flags: Once the reward is created, the fields that can be translated will have a small flag next to them. If your campaign is in several languages, and you want to translate these fields, click on the flag, then on the language in question, and enter the translated text in that language.

  • Image gallery: upload images of your reward here.

  • Shipping costs: If you want shipping costs to be added to the purchase, you can configure them from here. Download the country template, load the amount in the country or countries that have shipping costs and upload it again to the BackOffice. For more details on shipping costs read the article here.

Collection Points:

If, in addition to adding shipping costs, you want to enable collection points, you can add them by going to the main rewards page and clicking on Options> Collection points. You can add as many as you need. In the purchase process, the user will be able to choose between picking up the reward from a collection point or having it delivered to their chosen address.

Rewards details:

For each reward, you can add additional fields to be filled in by the user at the time of purchase. To do this, click on ¨Add field¨ and add a name for the field and select the type of data you wish to collect.

Here for example you could add options such as the size and colour of the rewards or ask for more information from the user.

In the case that the new field is related to stock, you can then define the number of units available for each by clicking on ¨Add new value¨

For example, we can define the values that appear in a list and add the number of available units for that value, the cost center and add the SKU if you have one.

In case you need to define an SKU or a cost center for the details of your product, but you do not have a defined stock, enter a high quantity symbolically. You can hide the availability so it is not shown in your purchase process.

Product categories and subcategories

If you have many products you can classify your products into categories and subcategories.

We can do this from the main Rewards screen and then click on Op The first thing you should do is define them from the main Rewards screen.

Click on Options> Product Categories.

Once defined, within each product you can assign a category and/or subcategory.

Settings for a Rewards Campaign

- Donation box: Here you will find a general guide for setting up the donation box.

In addition, when creating E-commerce campaigns, you will find an additional section under the ¨Customise¨ tab where you can customise the text that appears when users add a reward or product to their cart.

From the Donation box settings, we can also decide whether to give the option for the user to add a donation at checkout.

We can select whether the user can add a donation to their cart under "Other options" under the ¨Data¨ tab:

In the same section, we can also prevent users from selecting multiple products at once.

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