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Create a Showcase Campaign

In this article, learn how to create a campaign to show all your projects and challenges in one single space!

Juan Yanez avatar
Written by Juan Yanez
Updated over 9 months ago

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create a Showcase Campaign

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a Project Showcase, where you can add multiple projects/campaigns into a single, space for potential donors to explore and contribute to.

1. Set Up the Campaign

💡 Before setting up a Showcase Campaign, it is recommended that at first you have a list of the campaigns that you want to include in it (including the Campaign's ID, Name, and URL).

Once you have the campaigns that you want to include ready, within the section Dashboard > Home create a campaign by clicking "Create Campaign" under the "New Showcase" option.

Once you have chosen the type of campaign, fill in the basic data of your campaign:

  • Title: This field refers to the title of your campaign.

💡 Remember that you can edit it at any time in the General Data tab.

  • Currency: Choose the base currency.

👉 If you need to make a multi-currency campaign, first complete all the steps to make your campaign with the base currency, then check out our article on how to create a multi-currency campaign.

  • Country: This country refers to the country from which donation certificates will be emitted. In the event that you are not issuing donation certificates, you will need to choose a country anyway.

  • Base language: Select a base language, in the case that your campaign needs to be multi-lingual we will show you how to add translations at a later stage.

2. Set Up the General Configuration

Once you have filled these fields, you will be taken to the General Configuration panel where you can start adding your content.

However, if you'd like to add that information later, you can head to Content > General Configuration where you will find various sections to set up your landing:

2.1. Main Data

Under Main Data, you can edit the following information:

2.1.1. Title

Here you have to add the Title of your campaign, this will be the main name displayed. After putting it, you can change it, however, it is recommended to settle up with one unique name so donors can easily remember and refer to it whenever they need to refer to the campaign.

2.1.2. External ID

This extra field can be used to integrate with third-party applications such as CRM. You can add it to keep better track of your donations since this information will be linked to all the donations.

2.1.3. Country for Donation Certificate Generation ( 🇪🇸 Spain Only)

In this section, you will have to add the Country from where the Donation Certificate is coming from. In this case, for the moment it is only possible to do it from Spain.

2.1.4. Language

Here you can choose the main language you would like for your campaign to show. The Donation Box, section titles, Header, and Footer will show in the language you select.

As of right now, there are 10 languages to choose from (Spanish, Catalan, English, Portuguese, Galician, Euskera, Japanese, Italian, French, and German)

2.1.5. Category

It is an additional field through which you can classify your Campaigns and that facilitates the analysis of the data related to your campaigns, for example, if your Organisation has different local centers, you can create a category for each center.

📌 As an example, if your Organisation is based in Madrid and in London, you could add "Spain Center" and "UK Center"

👉 In case you'd like to learn more about Categories, here you can find more information about them.

2.1.6. Sub-Category

This is an optional section. You can add a category that is complimentary to the main Category.

📌 For example, if in the UK Center, there are multiple offices, you could separate them by cities, such as "London Office"

2.1.7. TPV

2.1.8. Sub Account Must

2.1.9. Sub Account

2.1.10. Text of "Contribute Now" Button

Here you can modify the text of the Donation button. You can add a text that invites the person to make a donation.

💡 In case you're not sure about what to add, you can add something along the lines of:

  • Be part of our change!

  • Contribute to our mission!

  • Make the change with us

It would look like the following:

2.1.11. Call To Action URL

In the same "Contribute Now" button, instead of it leading to the Donation Box, you can make it lead to another website of your interest.

❗️Please keep in mind that when adding the URL, you will need to add it including "https://". For example:

2.1.12. Brief Description

Here you can add a small description that explains your project, campaign or Organisation so donors can learn more about it and be encouraged to donate and participate in the change you want to make.

2.1.13. Campaign Color

In this section, you have the opportunity to select a color that best represents and captures the essence of your organisation.

This defines the accent colour throughout your Landing Page. It will define the accent colour of your information box if you choose to have one and will be the colour of the "Donate" button in the header.

2.1.14. Title and Description Color

You will choose the color of the main texts. By default, both texts will appear in white, however, you can select another colour if you prefer (white usually works best on dark background images).

💡 If you need to add translations to your campaign, you can do this by clicking on the flag icon next to the text box.

For more information about adding translations, you can read the article here.

2.2. Duration and Goal

In this section, we can set the information which will show in the Information Box of the Standard Template.

We can choose which information we want to share with our donors depending on our preferences.

2.2.1. Pre-Campaign Start Date

It is the period before the official campaign start date that allows donors to learn about the campaign and its goals, but actual donations can only be made starting from the designated Start Date.

2.2.2. Start Date

Add a Start Date in order to make the campaign automatically active and ready to receive donations.

2.2.3. Duration in Days

You can set how many days the campaign will be active. This can also be used so the campaign can be finalised automatically.

2.2.4. Goal Amount

Here you will add the amount that the Organisation needs to reach in order to be able to accomplish the campaign's goals.

This will be shown in the Donation Box, however, this can also be hidden. In case you'd like to hide it, please check the following section.

2.2.5. Initial Investment

This can be added as an initial boost to the progress bar and to encourage people to donate.

2.2.6. Multi-Challenge

Furthermore, you can choose for our campaign to be multi-challenge:

In this section, only a numeric field will be accepted and the sum of the three objectives must be the sum of the main goal.

When adding a Multi-Challenge, you can choose whether:

(a) To show all challenges at once.

This will display all the challenges that you have added as well as the progress of the donations.

(b) To show the challenges as they are completed.

This will only show the number of challenges and their respective amounts once they have been achieved.

2.2.7. Non-Monetary Goals

Finally, we can choose to have non-monetary goals and define how much each unit costs:

2.3. Configuration

Under Configuration, you can customise the following:

2.3.1. Hide campaign description on desktop

Decide whether we want to hide the description for only for desktop viewers.

2.3.2. Remove the filter from the cover photo.

By default, a light black filter is applied to your cover image or video. It is recommended so that texts in light colours can be read more easily, like so:

When the filter is removed, the picture will look like the following:

It mostly depends on the color of your text and images, therefore there are cases where it might not be necessary since the contrast between both elements can be enough for it to be legible.

2.4. Configure Information Box

In this section, we can choose to hide or show certain information within the Information Box.

2.4.1. Show the elapsed time of the campaign

By clicking this option, you will allow donors to see the time that has passed since the campaign was activated and how many people donated in that period of time.

2.4.2. Show remaining campaign time

If you have set your Duration Days, with this option you will be able to show how many days are left until the campaign finalises.

2.4.3. Hide objective

Selecting this option you can solely show the amount that has been raised up to the date.

2.4.4. Hide total participants

You can choose not to show the amount of people that have donated to your campaign, by default, the percentage, objective, and amount of donations will appear.

2.4.5. Hide the amount raised

By hiding the amount raised, the objective and progress bar will show by default, as well as the people who have already donated.

2.4.6. Hide objective bar

When hiding the progress bar, what will be shown by default will be the percentage, what has been collected, the amount of people that have donated, and the main goal of the campaign

2.4.7. Show the information box in the same color as the campaign

Selecting the final option will make the background colour of the information box the same as the color selected under "Basic Data"

3. Organisation Info

Here you will add the contact information of your Organisation. This will be displayed in the Footer of the campaign.

👉 In case you don't add any information here, the details set in the "Register Data" section will be the Contact Info displayed in your Footer.

(a) Address: Here you can add the address where your Organisation is based.

(b) Phone number: Add a phone number where donors can reach out and ask any questions they might have regarding your Organisation or Campaign.

(c) Email: Add an email which donors can write to.

(d) Website: In this section, you can add the main website or the Organisation, so those who visit it can learn more about your values and mission.

📌 If you add the website, the URL will be directly linked to the logo of the campaign.

Once you have added all the details, your Footer will look like so:

The foundation of creating a Campaign Showcase is similar to that of a Landing page with the addition of an extra content section to add your projects. For a guide on how to create a Landing, please click on the following article.

Once you have set up your campaign to add your campaigns or challenges to your showcase go to Content > Showcase.

Like with all other content blocks, you can edit the title and description of this section and customise the title and background colour by clicking on the "Edit Header" drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner.

Here we can edit the title for this content block, customise the name that will show in the Navigation bar and also customise the title and background color for this section.

To add campaigns to your showcase click on "Add.¨

📌 Please, keep in mind that is not possible to add a Showcase campaign to another Showcase campaign.

There are 3 ways that you can display your campaign in a showcase:

1. Create a showcase with a thumbnail, title, description and CTA button, fill only the following fields:

  • Image

  • Title

  • Description

  • CTA Description


  • Color

2. Create a showcase where it shows the amount each campaign has raised.

In this case, these amounts will contribute to the overall progress bar shown in the Showcase Header.

In this case, as you can see from the image above, each project added shows not only the image, description etc. but also the total fundraised, its objective if set and the number of donors.

In the case, you wish for the amount to show then you must select the desired campaign from the "Campaign" dropdown menu.

❗️Please note that:

  • Only landings, e-commerce show the progress bar, fundraising total and the number of donors. This means that if a Form is added to a showcase, the amount fundraised in that campaign will not be shown or contribute to the overall total of the showcase.

  • You can configure the information which shows in the header of the Showcase going to Content > General Configuration

  • The cumulative total of the campaigns will the sum of those added and any donations made directly on the showcase page.

  • The goal of the showcase will be the sum of the objectives of all the campaigns added plus the goal of the showcase itself.

  • The currency shown in the header is that which is used at the level of the showcase

3. If needed, it is posible to combine the above options.

As such you can have within your showcase both campaigns where you show how much has been raised (which will contribute to the total of the showcase) and others which simply show the image and description of the project.

Remember that in order to complete your showcase, you not only need to add the projects in this section but also add any other content sections you wish to add and set up the donation box, payment gateway etc.

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