Edit the Register Data of your Organisation

Learn how to edit the main data and contact information in your Stockcrowd Account, and see how this information affects your Campaigns.

Juan Yanez avatar
Written by Juan Yanez
Updated over a week ago

Company (Organisation) page

❗️Please note that only users with admin permissions, ROLE EMPRESA (Organisation Administrator), can access this section. If you can't access this page, please request permission from the admin of your Stockcrowd account.

You can find more information about user permissions in this article.

When you created your Stockcrowd Account, you added some basic information to sign up.

This information will be available for you in the Company > Register Data section, and you can access this section at any time to change the given information.

❗️❗️The details of the Company (Organisation) page are applied by default to ALL Campaigns in your Stockcrowd Account.

1. Register data

Click on the 2 towers icon 🏬 to find your Company (Organisation) account details, and select the option Register data:

This will be the default information that will be applied to all your Campaigns - unless you edit the specific details in each Campaign.

In that section, you will be able to view and edit:

  1. Basic Data: Edit and view your Stockcrowd Account information.

  2. Contact Information: Edit the main point of contact with Stockcrowd - and donors, if you don't change this information at the Campaign level, as explained in item 3 of this article.

  3. Configuration: Additional information that helps us customise your account according to your Organisation's needs.

  4. Company's Custom Fields: Add Custom fields that will be applied on an account level.

To edit your Register data, please click on the "Edit" button at the bottom of the page.

1.1. Basic data

This section Displays the basic information you added when you created your Stockcrowd Account.

You can edit each of these elements:

  1. Company Logo: Click on "Select Image" to upload an image that will be displayed as your Company Logo.

  2. Company name: Add the name of your Organisation. You can click on the flag icon to translate and internationalize the name if you operate in different countries.

  3. Commercial name: Add the commercial name of your Organization.

  4. VAT: Add your registered tax identification number.

  5. Address: Add the address where your Organisation operates.

  6. Billing Country: View the country where your Stockcrowd account was created, which Stockcrowd will consider for billing purposes.

  7. Sector of the Company: Choose the sector from your organisation. You can choose from many options, such as social, education, healthcare, research, culture, religion, sport, CSR, or others.

1.2. Contact Information

In this section, you can edit the main Contact information available in your Stockcrowd Account.

You can click on the flag icon to translate and internationalize the position of the main contact.

For emails delivered by StockCrowd, the Contact person will be used by default as the name of the sender.

However, the email address of the sender will be [email protected] (Starter plans), unless you have the Messenger Service Customisation included in your plan.

Please check this article for more information about Email Service Customisation.

1.3. Configuration

This section allows you to disclaim additional information that helps Stockcrowd customise your account according to your Organisation's needs.

Please notice that these options might change depending on the country where you created your Stockcrowd account, to fit the local legislation.

1.4. Company's Custom Fields

Add Custom fields that will be applied on an account level. You can later use these fields in our Webhooks (Notifications) - for example, to send information to your CRM.

These fields will also be displayed in the reports issued for each Campaign.

⭐️ Please check this article for more information on how to use Webhooks in Stockcrowd.

Create a new Custom Field

Click on the + button to add a new custom field.

set up the custom field as you like, and click on "Confirm" once you are happy with it.

Edit a Custom field

You can edit the custom field at any time by clicking on the pencil sign.

Set up the custom field as you like, and click on "Confirm" once you are happy with it.

Delete a Custom field

You can delete a custom field by clicking on the trash bin icon and confirming the operation.

❗️❗️Please keep in mind that if you edit or delete a custom field, the Reports and Webhooks (Notifications) you have set using these fields will be affected.

2. How Register data is displayed in Campaigns

The Register data is displayed by default in the Footer of your Campaigns.

That means that by default, it will be visible to your donors:

So if you want to display contact information to your donors, please make sure to enable the option to show the Footer.

You can do that at the Content > Header and Footer > Footer section of your Campaign, and save the changes.

3. How to change the Organisation data for each Campaign

If you don't make any changes to the "Organisation info" of your Campaign, the contact information by default will be the one you defined in the Company > Register Data section.

However, if you want to change some of the details for a specific Campaign, you can edit them at the Content > Organisation info section of such Campaign.

As mentioned in the topic above, the Organisation's contact information is displayed at the footer of the Campaign.

If you don't want to display a specific contact information for a Campaign, just leave the fields blank - or delete the data you added in this section to get back to the Register data by default.

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