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Generate the Modelo 182 to present to Spanish Tax Authorities (only for Spain) 🇪🇸
Generate the Modelo 182 to present to Spanish Tax Authorities (only for Spain) 🇪🇸

Do you need to generate the Modelo 182 for donations collected in Stockcrowd? Check this article to see how to do it!

Juan Yanez avatar
Written by Juan Yanez
Updated over a week ago

How to generate the Modelo 182 in Stockcrowd

In this article you will see how to generate a Form for donations collected in Stockcrowd in a quick and easy way, to deliver it to the Spanish Tax Authorities (Modelo 182).

You can also include all donations that have been made outside the platform (offline donations).

If you have issued certificates in your Campaigns with Stockcrowd, this information will be included in the Tax Deductions section. If you are based in Spain, you will be able to access the feature to generate the Modelo 182.

From there you will be able to manage the file, edit it, adding or delete donors so that you can generate a definitive Modelo 182 to deliver to the Spanish Tax Authority.

To issue the Modelo 182 correctly, you must follow the steps according to this article.

1. Access the Tax Deduction Section

⭐️ This functionality is only available for Scale and Premium plans, and for Accounts based in Spain. If you want to include it in your account, write to [email protected], and our Success team will help you with this process!

To find the configurations available in Stockcrowd for Modelo 182, you must access the Organisation section, and select the Tax deductions section.

Once inside this section, you will see all the donations that have been issued with a certificate by Stockcrowd.

That means, if you have configured your Campaign so that certificates are not issued, or that they are issued by third parties, these donations will NOT be listed in this section.

2. Filter the information

It is important to use the filters well so that the information obtained for the declaration is correct before generating a .csv file - which will be used for the declaration.

We will explain how to issue and use this file in the next steps.

At the top we have 3 different filters:

1. Campaigns (Campañas): The first filter shows all the Campaigns that are created within your Organisation and that have generated donation certificates.

Keep in mind that all the Campaigns will be displayed by default if you don't use the filters when you generate the report.

If you want to issue the report of only some specific Campaigns, you can select them using a multiple selector. For this, you can click CTRL on your keyboard and select all the Campaigns that you want to include in the Modelo 182.

2. Fiscal Year (Ejercicio): Choose the immediately preceding year, or the fiscal year you need for your declaration.

3. Country of Issuance (País): The third allows you to filter by the country that issued the certificate within your Campaigns.

Once you filter the data that you need to include in Form 182, you must click on Buscar (search):

3. Generate an editable .csv file

Once the data has been filtered, access the Options in this section (Opciones), and select the option "Generar CSV Modelo 182".

Why use a .csv file?

The .csv gives you the possibility to edit all the information that will appear in Modelo 182.

This allows you both to add contributions made outside the Stockcrowd platform (offline) and to edit the information automatically collected from your Campaigns.

❗️ If you are going to import the .csv file into Excel, make sure to import it with File Source: Unicode UTF-8. We leave you here a guide that can help you with this.

Brief guide to columns and data to fill in

❗️ This Article contains instructions and recommendations from our team, but we recommend that you review with your team the Spanish Tax Authority guide that can help you fill in your .csv.

❗️❗️ We advise AGAINST changing the structure (columns) of the issued .csv file, as this may cause problems when transforming the file to the format accepted by the Spanish Tax Authority.

If you have made changes to the structure, we recommend restarting this process and generating a new .csv without making those changes.

Some data is filled in by Stockcrowd by default, while others will NOT be filled in and the Organisation must include them if needed.

That is, when editing this .csv file, you will have to take into account the points that we mention below.

In any case, the Organisation must review all columns and ensure that the information is correct. Stockcrowd is not responsible for the veracity of the data reported by the donors, or for the management of the declaration before the Spanish Tax Authorities.

Data automatically added by Stockcrowd:

Some data will be automatically filled by Stockcrowd but must be reviewed by the organisation.

They are the following:

  • Key (Clave): The organisation should confirm that A is the correct option and not B, C or D.

  • Recurrence of donations (Recurrencia de donativos): by default, the recurrence column will have a 2 (non-recurring donation). If the donor is recurring, you must modify this value to 1.

    Keep in mind that a recurring donor for purpose of the Modelo 182 is anyone who has made donations to your entity in the two immediately preceding tax periods and that have been for an amount equal to or greater than that of the preceding year.

    ⭐️ Example: In the case of the fiscal year 2020, donations should have been as follows: Donations 2017 ≤ Donations 2018 ≤ Donations 2019 ≤ Donations 2020

    In other words, do not confuse Stockcrowd's recurring donations with what the Spanish Tax Authorities understand as recurrence.

Data NOT automatically added in by Stockcrowd:

There are columns that Stockcrowd does NOT fill in by default, but that the organisation must review if they need to fill in any of them.

The most common are the following:

  • NIF: N.I.F. of the Legal Representative.

  • Donation, contribution or In-kind donations (donaciones en especie): Mark with an X if it is a donation in kind. The amount of this donation must go in the amount field along with the rest of the donations.

  • Revocation (revocación): mark with an X in the case that we have a donation revoked from previous years.

  • Year in which the revoked donation was made (ejercicio en que se efectuó la donación revocada): add the year in which the donation was declared. You should only inform this if you have filled in the previous column "Revocation".

  • Type of asset (Tipo de bien): Inform only if it belongs to the key (clave) C or D.

  • Identification of the asset (Identificación del bien): Inform only if it belongs to the key (clave) C or D.

4. Generate your Modelo 182 in .txt

To finish the process to generate the Modelo 182, you must transform the .csv file that you have managed in the previous steps to the format required by the Spanish Tax Authorities: .txt

To do this, we will click on Options > Generar TXT Modelo 182.

From there you can upload the edited .csv and fill in the data requested by the form to complete the operation:

To upload the .csv, click on Examinar (browse) to find the Modelo 182 on your computer and upload it to Stockcrowd.

The .csv will be accepted and converted to .txt when the number of records and the value of the donations is displayed:

Once we have loaded the file and completed the sections, we can finally generate the Modelo 182 that can be submitted to the Spanish Tax Authorities:

The document is generated with the specifications and the type of file that the Spanish Tax Authorities request.


Error when generating the Modelo 182 in TXT

If the Modelo 182 can't be generated, check if all the mandatory fields were filled in (for example, the DNI of a donor).

All the required fields were filled in, but the conversion of the Modelo 182 from .csv to .txt still fails:

We recommend that you DO NOT change the structure (columns) of the issued .csv file, as this may cause problems when transforming the file to the format accepted by the Spanish Tax Authority.

If you have made changes to the structure, we recommend restarting this process and issuing a new .csv without making those changes.

I can't find the contribution of a donor in the Tax Deductions list:

Once inside this section, you will see all the donations that have been issued with a certificate by Stockcrowd.

That is, if you have configured your Campaign so that certificates are not issued, or that they are issued by third parties, these donations will NOT be listed in this section.

A donor made several donations, but I only find one:

The system groups donations from the same donor by DNI/CIF, and not by name. Make sure that the DNI/CIF is correct to find the relevant information.

I need to present the complementary declaration. What process should I follow?

The process for issuing the complementary declaration is the same as indicated in this article.

Additional questions about Modelo 182:

For more information, please check the Spanish Tax Authority's website with instructions on the Modelo 182.

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