Generate Donation Reports

Follow this short guide to access the functionality that allows you to export/generate your Campaigns' donation reports.

Davide Ferrari avatar
Written by Davide Ferrari
Updated over a week ago

❗️Please keep in mind that the Donation reports only show the confirmed transactions, not the pending ones (common in Direct Debit or SEPA transactions).

1. How to create Donation Reports

Firstly, to view your reports, go to one of your Campaigns and head to Management > Contributions.

From there we can select Option > Generate reports (CSV).

After doing so, a window will appear where you can set filters for your report. you can filter the reports by Name, Type of Payments, Donations, and Date.

Then you can filter your Campaigns, choose a few of them or select them all by clicking on "All campaigns".

As a last step, you can choose which type of Reports you want to generate.

❗️❗️Please remember to select the start date of the report, if not the default will be the last 24 hours.

2. Schedule Automated Reports

Before clicking the "Export" button, you can select the box "Reports saved with automatic submission" in order to save that setting for future reports.

Once you select the option to save the search you will have 3 options:

  • Last day's operations - Sent every day with the donations from the day before

  • Last week's operations - Sent every Monday with details of the donations from the week before.

  • Last month's operations - Sent the first of each month including the donations from the previous month.

You can also add multiple destination emails.

👉 The reports will be received in a CSV format by email, if you need help converting the CSV file to Excel, check out our article here.

2.1 Stop Receiving Automatic Reports

To cancel the sending of automatic reports, you can delete the automatic configuration by accessing Transactions > Options > "Saved automated reports".

You can select the email you chose for the subscription, and click on the bin icon to delete it.

3. Upload to SFTP (Premium plans)

To Upload it to SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), you would have to add your server as well as the password.

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